
Getting a sales representative Laboratory products of Nab Tek


In order to receive representation and use the discounts of collaboration and sale of laboratory equipment of Nab Tek company, please download the following form first

Then complete the information in the tables and at the end, after stamping and signing the form, along with the documents of the company or store (including business license or operating license or the company’s articles of association) for Nab Tek company through messengers to the number 093-656565-81 Please send that for convenience, the messenger link is placed at the end of this section.

After checking the documents and confirming them, the experts of Nab Tech will put you in the list of sales representatives and colleagues, and after that you will get a cooperation discount. It is worth mentioning that after adding the sales representatives, in order to receive the sales price to the final consumer and the sales representatives price, it is enough to receive the price list from the sales experts of Nab Tek company through the defined communication channel.